Kathleen Moore Email & Phone Number

Kathleen Moore

Owner at Inner Wisdom, Outer Journey | Greater Burlington Area

Kathleen Moore Socials
About Kathleen Moore

Kathleen Moore, the Owner of Inner Wisdom, Outer Journey, brings over 20 years of experience in counseling and coaching to her practice, where she is dedicated to fostering personal and professional growth. With a holistic approach, Kathleen empowers individuals and groups to tap into their inner wisdom, enabling them to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and confidence. Her expertise lies in helping clients identify and release constricting beliefs and thought patterns that hinder their potential, ultimately guiding them toward a more fulfilling and expansive life.

At Inner Wisdom, Outer Journey, Kathleen spearheads key projects that focus on personal development and organizational growth. She offers tailored career counseling sessions that not only address immediate professional challenges but also encourage long-term strategic thinking. Her conflict management skills are particularly valuable in her mediation work, where she facilitates respectful dialogue among parties with diverging perspectives, fostering understanding and collaboration. Kathleen’s commitment to team building and staff development is evident in her training programs, which are designed to cultivate a culture of open communication and mutual respect within organizations.

In addition to her counseling and coaching services, Kathleen is passionate about higher education and organizational development, often collaborating with institutions to enhance their training offerings. Her ability to listen deeply and empathetically allows her to create a safe space for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings, leading to transformative insights. As a seasoned professional in personal and organizational development, Kathleen Moore continues to inspire those around her to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and growth.

Kathleen Moore Work
1 experience icon

Faculty Member at Community College of Vermont in January 2008 to Present

2 experience icon

Owner at Inner Wisdom, Outer Journey in January 2007 to Present

3 experience icon

Admissions Director at Woodbury College in January 1994 to January 2008

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Kathleen Moore Education

Woodbury College, M.S., M.S., Mediation and Applied Conflict Studies, February 2025

Saint Michael's College, B.S., Journalism, February 1980 to February 1982

Kathleen Moore Skills

Conflict Resolution



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Frequently Asked Questions about Kathleen Moore

What is Kathleen Moore email address?

Email Kathleen Moore at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kathleen Moore's email found in 2025.

How to contact Kathleen Moore?

To contact Kathleen Moore send an email at [email protected].

What company does Kathleen Moore work for?

Kathleen Moore works for Inner Wisdom, Outer Journey

What is Kathleen Moore's role at Inner Wisdom, Outer Journey?

Kathleen Moore is Owner

What is Kathleen Moore's Phone Number?

Kathleen Moore's phone (416) ***-*309

What industry does Kathleen Moore work in?

Kathleen Moore works in the Professional Training & Coaching industry.

Kathleen Moore Email Addresses

Email Kathleen Moore at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kathleen Moore's email found in 2025.

Kathleen Moore Phone Numbers

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