Juan Lopez Email & Phone Number

Juan Lopez

EVP of Engineering at Material Bank | Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Juan Lopez Socials
About Juan Lopez

Juan Lopez serves as the Executive Vice President of Engineering at Material Bank, where he leverages his extensive background in information technology to drive innovation and efficiency within the organization. With a deep understanding of the application development life cycle and IT infrastructure, Juan is instrumental in overseeing the integration of advanced technologies that enhance the platform's capabilities. His leadership in large-scale IT project management ensures that Material Bank continues to deliver exceptional value to architects and designers by streamlining the sample ordering process.

One of Juan's key projects involves optimizing the logistics and warehouse management systems (WMS) that underpin Material Bank's unique offering—delivering samples ordered by midnight for next-day delivery. By utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) and implementing robust IT service management practices, he has significantly improved the speed and reliability of sample fulfillment, allowing designers to access materials quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Juan is committed to sustainability; his initiatives to promote the reuse of samples rather than recycling them align with Material Bank's mission to reduce waste in the design industry.

Juan's expertise in database analytics and compliance further enhances Material Bank's operational framework, ensuring that the platform not only meets but exceeds industry standards for security and governance. His ability to analyze complex IT business situations and develop innovative technology alternatives positions Material Bank as a leader in the architectural and design sectors, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. Through his vision and strategic direction, Juan Lopez is shaping the future of material sourcing, making it more accessible and sustainable for designers everywhere.

Juan Lopez Work
1 experience icon

EVP of Engineering at Material Bank in January 2018 to Present

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EVP of Information Technology at SANDOW in September 2012 to September 2018

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Vice president of Information Technology at City Furniture in June 1994 to September 2012

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Juan Lopez Education

Florida Atlantic University, Project Management Certification, January 2006

San Ignacio de Loyola - Lima Peru, MIS, January 1984 to January 1988

IBM Advance Business Institute, Course, January 2004

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Juan Lopez Skills

Amazon Web Services (AWS)



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Frequently Asked Questions about Juan Lopez

What is Juan Lopez email address?

Email Juan Lopez at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Juan Lopez's email found in 2025.

What is Juan Lopez phone number?

Juan Lopez phone number is (561) 750-0151, +0.5619617601, +561.9617754 and +1.5619617700.

How to contact Juan Lopez?

To contact Juan Lopez send an email at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Juan Lopez try calling on (561) 750-0151, +0.5619617601, +561.9617754 and +1.5619617700.

What company does Juan Lopez work for?

Juan Lopez works for Material Bank

What is Juan Lopez's role at Material Bank?

Juan Lopez is EVP of Engineering

What industry does Juan Lopez work in?

Juan Lopez works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

Juan Lopez Email Addresses

Email Juan Lopez at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Juan Lopez's email found in 2025.

Juan Lopez Phone Numbers

Juan Lopez phone number is (561) 750-0151, +0.5619617601, +561.9617754 and +1.5619617700.
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