John Weaver Email & Phone Number

John Weaver

Project Developer/Owner at Commercial Solar Guy | Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

John Weaver Socials
About John Weaver

John Fitzgerald Weaver serves as a Project Developer/Owner at Commercial Solar Guy, where he plays a pivotal role in advancing solar energy solutions across Massachusetts and Rhode Island. With a robust background in solar development services, John specializes in project feasibility analysis, financial modeling, and local market research, ensuring that each project is not only viable but also strategically aligned with market demands. His expertise extends to finance discovery, design, engineering, interconnection, and permitting, allowing him to oversee projects from conception through to construction and project management.

Currently, John is spearheading key initiatives under the development arm, @CSG Developers, where he is focused on creating community solar projects that enhance energy access and sustainability. His leadership in these projects is underscored by his commitment to energy conservation and cleantech innovation, driving the transition to renewable energy sources. With a keen eye for strategic planning and business development, John is adept at navigating the complexities of the solar industry, leveraging his skills in international sales and product development to foster partnerships that propel the company forward.

John's vision for the future of solar energy is not just about building infrastructure; it’s about creating a sustainable ecosystem that benefits communities and the environment alike. His hands-on approach and comprehensive understanding of the solar landscape position him as a key player in the industry, dedicated to delivering impactful solar solutions that meet the evolving needs of clients and stakeholders.

John Weaver Work
1 experience icon

Project Developer/Owner at Commercial Solar Guy in January 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Freelance Writer at pv magazine in January 2018 to Present

3 experience icon

Project Developer at Commercial Solar Guy in January 2017 to Present

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John Weaver Education

Hanover College, Bachelor’s Degree

Olympic Heights Community High School

John Weaver Skills

Financial Modeling

Microsoft Office Excel

Microsoft Office Word

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About John Weaver's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about John Weaver

What is John Fitzgerald Weaver email address?

Email John Fitzgerald Weaver at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Fitzgerald Weaver's email found in 2025.

What is John Fitzgerald Weaver phone number?

John Fitzgerald Weaver phone number is 508-9999-SUN and 508-999-9786.

How to contact John Fitzgerald Weaver?

To contact John Fitzgerald Weaver send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call John Fitzgerald Weaver try calling on 508-9999-SUN and 508-999-9786.

What company does John Weaver work for?

John Weaver works for Commercial Solar Guy

What is John Weaver's role at Commercial Solar Guy?

John Weaver is Project Developer/Owner

What industry does John Weaver work in?

John Weaver works in the Renewables & Environment industry.

John Weaver Email Addresses

John Weaver Phone Numbers

John Fitzgerald Weaver phone number is 508-9999-SUN and 508-999-9786.
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