Imani Qryn Email & Phone Number

Imani Qryn

Real Estate Broker /Owner at Imani Q'ryn Realty | Brooklyn, New York, United States

Imani Qryn Socials
About Imani Qryn

Imani Qryn is a seasoned Real Estate Broker and Owner at Imani Q'ryn Realty, bringing over 20 years of extensive experience in both residential and commercial sales. Her deep understanding of the real estate market is complemented by her passion for community development, particularly through her work with investors on large-scale projects that have revitalized neighborhoods and enhanced property values. At Imani Q'ryn Realty, Imani leads a dynamic team, ensuring that her sales staff is not only well-educated and productive but also motivated and satisfied in their roles.

Imani's commitment to client and customer care is paramount; she believes that a happy team translates to exceptional service for clients. Under her leadership, the office thrives on a foundation of quality listings and effective marketing strategies that highlight the unique attributes of each property. Her expertise in commercial sales is particularly noteworthy, as she navigates complex transactions with a keen eye for detail and an unwavering focus on maximizing returns for her clients.

In addition to her real estate acumen, Imani leverages her skills in social media marketing and program management to elevate the visibility of her listings and the overall brand of Imani Q'ryn Realty. She is also dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous learning through coaching and training, ensuring that her team remains at the forefront of industry trends and best practices. With a unique blend of leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, and a genuine passion for real estate, Imani Qryn is not just a broker; she is a transformative force in the communities she serves.

Imani Qryn Work
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Real Estate Broker /Owner at Imani Q'ryn Realty in March 1999 to Present

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Owner at Imani Q'ryn Realty in June 2002 to Present

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Medico Auditor at Hospital María Auxiliadora in July 2018 to Present

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Imani Qryn Education

Landmark Education, Not a degreed program. It was a Transformational Leadership Program., January 2001 to January 2008

Harlem School of the Arts, It was not a degreed program. I was a Master Class for Opera Singers., January 1992 to January 2002

University of Maryland College Park, Pre-Law, French and Music

Imani Qryn Skills

Business Development...



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Frequently Asked Questions about Imani Qryn

What is Imani Qryn email address?

Email Imani Qryn at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Imani Qryn's email found in 2025.

What is Imani Qryn phone number?

Imani Qryn phone number is 7182372399.

How to contact Imani Qryn?

To contact Imani Qryn send an email at [email protected] you want to call Imani Qryn try calling on 7182372399.

What company does Imani Qryn work for?

Imani Qryn works for Imani Q'ryn Realty

What is Imani Qryn's role at Imani Q'ryn Realty?

Imani Qryn is Real Estate Broker /Owner

What industry does Imani Qryn work in?

Imani Qryn works in the Business Supplies & Equipment industry.

Imani Qryn Email Addresses

Email Imani Qryn at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Imani Qryn's email found in 2025.

Imani Qryn Phone Numbers

Imani Qryn phone number is 7182372399.
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