Gail Weiner Email & Phone Number

Gail Weiner

Director at Simpatico | Bath, England, United Kingdom

Gail Weiner Socials
About Gail Weiner

Gail Weiner, as the Director of Simpatico, has been at the forefront of connecting businesses with top-tier global remote software developers since founding the company in 2014. With a profound understanding of the evolving tech landscape, Gail leverages her expertise in business analysis, product management, and talent management to foster long-term partnerships that are built on integrity and professionalism. Under her leadership, Simpatico has become synonymous with quality and reliability, offering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

One of Gail's key projects involves the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision technologies into client operations, enhancing efficiency and driving innovation. By employing methodologies such as Scrum and ITIL, she ensures that projects are delivered on time and within budget, while also maintaining a focus on customer relationship management (CRM) to nurture client satisfaction and loyalty.

In addition to her role at Simpatico, Gail offers online life coaching, where she utilizes Cognitive Behavior Therapy techniques to help individuals recognize and overcome generational trauma and obsolete thought patterns. This unique blend of professional and personal development expertise allows her to approach business challenges with a holistic perspective, ultimately fostering a work environment that prioritizes mental well-being alongside productivity. Gail's commitment to humor and humanity in business not only enhances workplace culture but also positions Simpatico as a leader in the industry, ready to tackle the challenges of the future with a compassionate and innovative approach.

Gail Weiner Work
1 experience icon

Director at Simpatico in May 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Motivational • Career • Life Mastery Coach at Gail Weiner in June 2020 to Present

3 experience icon

Author at Gail Weiner in January 2024 to Present

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Gail Weiner Education

University of Johannesburg

Simpatico Founder and Director, January 2014


Gail Weiner Skills



career coaching

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About Gail Weiner's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Gail Weiner

What is Gail Weiner email address?

Email Gail Weiner at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Gail Weiner's email found in 2025.

What is Gail Weiner phone number?

Gail Weiner phone number is 0843702371.

How to contact Gail Weiner?

To contact Gail Weiner send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Gail Weiner try calling on 0843702371.

What company does Gail Weiner work for?

Gail Weiner works for Simpatico

What is Gail Weiner's role at Simpatico?

Gail Weiner is Director

What industry does Gail Weiner work in?

Gail Weiner works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

Gail Weiner Email Addresses

Email Gail Weiner at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Gail Weiner's email found in 2025.

Gail Weiner Phone Numbers

Gail Weiner phone number is 0843702371.
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