Everson Oliveira Email & Phone Number

Everson Oliveira

IT Supervisor at Western Ubion | São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

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About Everson Oliveira

Everson Oliveira currently serves as the IT Supervisor at Western Ubion, where he leverages over 20 years of extensive experience in managing technology within critical environments, particularly in the financial sector and large multinational corporations. His strategic profile is marked by a hands-on approach to decision-making, enabling him to effectively navigate complex challenges while fostering innovation and efficiency. At Western Ubion, Everson is instrumental in overseeing key projects that involve the deployment and integration of advanced technology solutions, including systems integration and API management.

His expertise in business process architecture and design allows him to streamline operations and enhance organizational performance, ensuring that technology aligns seamlessly with business objectives. Everson's role also encompasses mobile device management and change management, where he implements best practices to improve customer experience and operational efficiency. His proficiency in financial IT management further supports the organization’s strategic goals, ensuring that technology investments yield maximum returns.

In addition to his technical skills, Everson is a strong advocate for organizational leadership, fostering a collaborative environment that empowers team members to excel. His knowledge of cloud technologies, particularly Amazon Web Services (AWS), positions him as a key player in driving digital transformation initiatives at Western Ubion. Through his commitment to performance management and project governance, Everson continues to make significant contributions to the company's success, positioning it at the forefront of technological advancement in the industry.

Everson Oliveira Work
1 experience icon

IT Supervisor at Western Ubion in November 2013 to Present

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Senior Systems Analyst at Diveo do Brasil Telecomunicações Ltda in December 2006 to November 2013

3 experience icon

Analista de Suporte at Bind Informática in January 2003 to December 2006

Everson Oliveira Education

Universidade Paulista, Bacharelado, January 2006 to January 2010

Fast MBA, Liderança de Equipes e Gestão de Pessoas, January 2018 to January 2020

Universidade Estácio de Sá, Gestão de Equipes com Ênfase em Liderança Organizacional, January 2017 to January 2018

Everson Oliveira Skills

Computação de alto desempenho



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Frequently Asked Questions about Everson Oliveira

What is Everson Oliveira email address?

Email Everson Oliveira at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Everson Oliveira's email found in 2024.

What is Everson Oliveira phone number?

Everson Oliveira phone number is (11) 99132-4412.

How to contact Everson Oliveira?

To contact Everson Oliveira send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Everson Oliveira try calling on (11) 99132-4412.

What company does Everson Oliveira work for?

Everson Oliveira works for Western Ubion

What is Everson Oliveira's role at Western Ubion?

Everson Oliveira is IT Supervisor

What industry does Everson Oliveira work in?

Everson Oliveira works in the Financial Services industry.

Everson Oliveira Email Addresses

Email Everson Oliveira at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Everson Oliveira's email found in 2024.

Everson Oliveira Phone Numbers

Everson Oliveira phone number is (11) 99132-4412.
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