Eric Smith Email & Phone Number

Eric Smith

Chief Digital Officer at Memorial Hermann Health System | Houston, Texas, United States

Eric Smith Socials
About Eric Smith

As the Chief Digital Officer at Memorial Hermann Health System, Eric Smith plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare delivery through innovative digital solutions. With a robust background in both business and technology, Eric is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between clinical needs and technological capabilities. His leadership in digital transformation initiatives has been instrumental in enhancing patient and physician experiences, ensuring that Memorial Hermann remains at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

Eric's current projects include the development of a comprehensive data analytics platform that leverages real-time insights to drive decision-making across the organization. By implementing agile methodologies, he fosters a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration, enabling teams to respond swiftly to the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers. His expertise in IT strategy and operations has led to the successful integration of advanced telecommunications systems, enhancing communication channels within the care continuum.

In addition to his technical acumen, Eric is an excellent communicator, adept at cultivating relationships with stakeholders at all levels. His focus on creating digital-first experiences not only improves patient engagement but also empowers physicians with the tools they need to deliver high-quality care. By prioritizing user-centric design and data-driven insights, Eric is committed to advancing Memorial Hermann's mission of improving the health and wellbeing of the communities it serves. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, Eric Smith remains a key driver of innovation, ensuring that Memorial Hermann Health System leads the way in digital healthcare solutions.

Eric Smith Work
1 experience icon

Chief Digital Officer at Memorial Hermann Health System in April 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Board Observer at Truveta in January 2021 to Present

3 experience icon

Senior Vice President - Design, Digital, Data & Innovation at USAA in December 2018 to April 2020

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Eric Smith Education

The University of Kansas, BS, January 1987 to January 1994

Harvard Business School, Executive Education, January 2016

Stanford University, Executive Education, January 2014

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Eric Smith Skills


Technical Leadership

Technical Marketing

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About Eric Smith's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Eric Smith

What is Eric Smith email address?

Email Eric Smith at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Eric Smith's email found in 2025.

What is Eric Smith phone number?

Eric Smith phone number is +1.2103720663.

How to contact Eric Smith?

To contact Eric Smith send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Eric Smith try calling on +1.2103720663.

What company does Eric Smith work for?

Eric Smith works for Memorial Hermann Health System

What is Eric Smith's role at Memorial Hermann Health System?

Eric Smith is Chief Digital Officer

What industry does Eric Smith work in?

Eric Smith works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Eric Smith Email Addresses

Email Eric Smith at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Eric Smith's email found in 2025.

Eric Smith Phone Numbers

Eric Smith phone number is +1.2103720663.
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