Frank Gomez Email & Phone Number

Frank Gomez

Chiropractic Physician at Immediate Chiropractic Care, PC | United States

Frank Gomez Socials
About Frank Gomez

Frank Gomez is a seasoned Chiropractic Physician at Immediate Chiropractic Care, PC, where he leverages over three decades of experience to help patients regain and enhance their health, fitness, and overall vitality. Since earning his state licensure in New York in 1987, Frank has dedicated his career to advancing the field of chiropractic care, particularly in sports medicine and rehabilitation. His extensive education, including a Diplomate from the American Board of Chiropractic Sports Physicians and specialized certifications from the New York Chiropractic College, underscores his commitment to excellence in patient care.

At Immediate Chiropractic Care, Frank is at the forefront of innovative treatment methodologies, utilizing specific blood testing and analysis to tailor vitamin and nutrient recommendations to each patient’s unique physiological needs. This personalized approach eliminates the guesswork often associated with nutrition, empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health. His expertise in rehabilitation psychology and musculoskeletal conditions positions him as a trusted resource for those recovering from sports injuries or chronic pain.

In addition to his clinical practice, Frank is passionate about education and community outreach. He frequently conducts workshops and seminars on topics ranging from injury prevention to optimal fitness strategies, reinforcing his role as a fitness coach and educator. His ability to network within the healthcare community enhances collaborative efforts, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive care. With a skill set that encompasses physical therapy, training, and rehabilitation, Frank Gomez continues to make a significant impact on the lives of his patients, guiding them toward sustainable health and wellness.

Frank Gomez Work
1 experience icon

Chiropractic Physician at Immediate Chiropractic Care, PC in January 1986 to Present

2 experience icon

Coordinator - Trainer at Superior Training in September 1988 to Present

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Motivational Speaker at Leading The Way - Motivational Speaking. in January 2012 to Present

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Frank Gomez Education

New York Chiropractic College, D.C., January 1983 to January 1986

LIU Post, B.A., January 1980 to January 1983

Northeast College of Health Sciences, D.C., January 1983 to January 1986

Frank Gomez Skills

Relationship Building



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Frequently Asked Questions about Frank Gomez

What is Frank Gomez email address?

Email Frank Gomez at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Frank Gomez's email found in 2025.

What is Frank Gomez phone number?

Frank Gomez phone number is (631) 991-3492 and 1-888-WELL-AGAIN x138.

How to contact Frank Gomez?

To contact Frank Gomez send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Frank Gomez try calling on (631) 991-3492 and 1-888-WELL-AGAIN x138.

What company does Frank Gomez work for?

Frank Gomez works for Immediate Chiropractic Care, PC

What is Frank Gomez's role at Immediate Chiropractic Care, PC?

Frank Gomez is Chiropractic Physician

What industry does Frank Gomez work in?

Frank Gomez works in the Health, Wellness & Fitness industry.

Frank Gomez Email Addresses

Email Frank Gomez at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Frank Gomez's email found in 2025.

Frank Gomez Phone Numbers

Frank Gomez phone number is (631) 991-3492 and 1-888-WELL-AGAIN x138.
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