Derling Perez Email & Phone Number

Derling Perez

Purchasing Manager at DEEPSEA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | Houston, Texas, United States

Derling Perez Socials
About Derling Perez

Derling Perez is a seasoned Purchasing Manager at DEEPSEA TECHNOLOGIES, INC., where he leverages over 20 years of extensive experience in procurement, supply chain management, and strategic sourcing. In his current role, Derling is pivotal in developing and maintaining robust vendor relationships, ensuring that supplier performance aligns with the company’s high standards. His expertise in contract negotiation allows him to secure the lowest total cost of ownership, which is critical in the competitive landscape of the petroleum industry.

One of Derling's key projects involves executing comprehensive supply chain strategies that encompass sourcing, planning, logistics, and inventory management. By closely collaborating with manufacturing and sales teams, he ensures that product availability meets operational demands, thereby enhancing overall efficiency. His adeptness at cost analysis and time management enables him to identify opportunities for supplier development and improvement, driving value for the organization.

Derling's proficiency in Microsoft Excel and project management tools further enhances his ability to analyze data and streamline processes. His bilingual skills in Spanish and English facilitate effective communication with a diverse range of vendors, fostering collaboration and understanding. As a solution-oriented professional, Derling is committed to resolving complex issues swiftly, always with an eye toward bottom-line results. His contributions not only optimize procurement processes but also support DEEPSEA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. in achieving its strategic objectives in a rapidly evolving market.

Derling Perez Work
1 experience icon

Purchasing Manager at DEEPSEA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. in August 2018 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Procurement and Planning Specialist at Dynamic Robotics Inc in May 2017 to August 2018

3 experience icon

Scheduler/Planner at Axon Energy Products in October 2014 to October 2016

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Derling Perez Skills

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Excel

Customer Service

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About Derling Perez's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Derling Perez

What is Derling Perez email address?

Email Derling Perez at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Derling Perez email found in 2025.

What is Derling Perez phone number?

Derling Perez phone number is +18325966714 and +12818584476.

How to contact Derling Perez?

To contact Derling Perez send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Derling Perez try calling on +18325966714 and +12818584476. (updated on November 04, 2024)

What is Derling Perez net worth?

Derling Perez has an estimated net worth of -$2,499 to $2,499

What company does Derling Perez work for?

Derling Perez works for DEEPSEA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

What is Derling Perez's role at DEEPSEA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.?

Derling Perez is Purchasing Manager

What industry does Derling Perez work in?

Derling Perez works in the Oil And Gas industry.

Derling Perez Email Addresses

Email Derling Perez at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Derling Perez email found in 2025.

Derling Perez Phone Numbers

Derling Perez phone number is +18325966714 and +12818584476.
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