Craig Suntrup Email & Phone Number

Craig Suntrup

Owner at Suntrup Automotive Group | Greater St. Louis

Craig Suntrup Socials
About Craig Suntrup

Craig Suntrup is a seasoned automotive professional and the proud owner of Suntrup Automotive Group, a family-owned business that has been a cornerstone of the St. Louis automotive landscape for many years. His journey in the industry began humbly as a car salesman at the Nissan store, where he quickly established a reputation for exceptional customer service and a genuine commitment to building lasting relationships with clients. This foundational experience not only honed his sales management skills but also instilled in him a deep understanding of the importance of community engagement.

Under Craig's leadership, Suntrup Automotive Group has embarked on several key projects aimed at enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency. He has implemented innovative sales strategies that leverage technology to streamline the purchasing process, ensuring that customers receive personalized service tailored to their needs. Additionally, Craig has focused on team building, fostering a collaborative environment that empowers employees to excel in their roles and contribute to the overall success of the dealership.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Craig is a passionate supporter of various charitable organizations, including BackStoppers, Make a Wish Foundation, JDRF, and United Way's 100 Neediest Cases. His commitment to philanthropy reflects his belief in giving back to the community that has supported his family's business for generations. Through these initiatives, Craig not only strengthens community ties but also inspires his team to engage in meaningful service, reinforcing the values of compassion and generosity that are integral to the Suntrup Automotive Group's mission.

Craig Suntrup Work
1 experience icon

Owner at Suntrup Automotive Group in August 1987 to Present

Craig Suntrup Education

University of Missouri-Columbia, Marketing Education, January 1983 to January 1987

Craig Suntrup Skills

Sales Management



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About Craig Suntrup's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Craig Suntrup

What is Craig Suntrup email address?

Email Craig Suntrup at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Craig Suntrup's email found in 2025.

How to contact Craig Suntrup?

To contact Craig Suntrup send an email at [email protected].

What company does Craig Suntrup work for?

Craig Suntrup works for Suntrup Automotive Group

What is Craig Suntrup's role at Suntrup Automotive Group?

Craig Suntrup is Owner

What is Craig Suntrup's Phone Number?

Craig Suntrup's phone (**) *** *** 218

What industry does Craig Suntrup work in?

Craig Suntrup works in the Automotive industry.

Craig Suntrup Email Addresses

Email Craig Suntrup at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Craig Suntrup's email found in 2025.

Craig Suntrup Phone Numbers

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