Connor Sullivan Email & Phone Number

Connor Sullivan

Enterprise Account Executive at DataRobot | Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Connor Sullivan Socials
About Connor Sullivan

Connor Sullivan is a dynamic Enterprise Account Executive at DataRobot, where he leverages his expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning to drive transformative solutions for clients across diverse industries. With a passion for building lasting relationships, Connor excels at understanding the unique challenges faced by organizations and tailoring AI-driven strategies that align with their business objectives. His role at DataRobot places him at the forefront of the AI Cloud revolution, where he collaborates with a range of stakeholders to ensure seamless integration of AI technologies into their operations.

Currently, Connor is spearheading key projects that focus on enhancing customer satisfaction and delivering measurable results. By utilizing tools like and InsightSquared, he meticulously tracks project progress and customer engagement, ensuring that every interaction is meaningful and impactful. His strong communication skills and ability to present complex concepts in an accessible manner have made him a trusted advisor to clients, helping them navigate the complexities of AI implementation.

Connor's leadership abilities shine through as he motivates cross-functional teams to achieve ambitious goals, fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation. His commitment to excellence is evident in his proactive approach to project management, where he consistently seeks to optimize processes and drive efficiency. As DataRobot continues to empower organizations with cutting-edge AI solutions, Connor remains dedicated to being a catalyst for change, helping clients unlock the full potential of their data and achieve unprecedented success in their industries.

Connor Sullivan Work
1 experience icon

Enterprise Account Executive at DataRobot in March 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Enterprise Account Executive at Robin in February 2020 to March 2022

3 experience icon

Account Executive at InsightSquared in July 2018 to February 2020

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Connor Sullivan Education

University of New Hampshire -- Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, Economics B.S.

Connor Sullivan Skills



Public Speaking

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About Connor Sullivan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Connor Sullivan

What is Connor Sullivan email address?

Email Connor Sullivan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Connor Sullivan's email found in 2025.

What is Connor Sullivan phone number?

Connor Sullivan phone number is 6036670712.

How to contact Connor Sullivan?

To contact Connor Sullivan send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Connor Sullivan try calling on 6036670712. (updated on February 15, 2024)

What company does Connor Sullivan work for?

Connor Sullivan works for DataRobot

What is Connor Sullivan's role at DataRobot?

Connor Sullivan is Enterprise Account Executive

What industry does Connor Sullivan work in?

Connor Sullivan works in the Computer Software industry.

Connor Sullivan Email Addresses

Email Connor Sullivan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Connor Sullivan's email found in 2025.

Connor Sullivan Phone Numbers

Connor Sullivan phone number is 6036670712.
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