Cliff Axtell Email & Phone Number

Cliff Axtell

Account Manager at Proteus Genomics | Madison, Mississippi, United States

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About Cliff Axtell

Cliff Axtell is a dynamic Account Manager at Proteus Genomics, where he leverages his extensive experience in biopharmaceutical sales to drive growth and enhance market presence within the central Mississippi territory. With a focus on molecular PCR lab services, Cliff has successfully built and developed this territory from the ground up, specializing in critical areas such as COVID-19, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs), wound care, and women's health. His expertise in the Buy and Bill model, combined with his in-depth knowledge of biologics, allows him to effectively navigate the complexities of specialty markets and deliver tailored solutions to healthcare providers.

Cliff's role involves promoting Proteus Genomics' innovative infectious disease molecular PCR lab services across a diverse range of clinical settings, including infectious disease, urology, pulmonology, vascular surgery, and family medicine. His unique strengths in business planning and relationship management have enabled him to forge strong connections with key stakeholders, ensuring that the lab services meet the evolving needs of clinicians and their patients. By focusing on territory development and key account management, Cliff has consistently demonstrated his ability to grow market share and revenue, even in competitive environments.

His commitment to excellence is evident in his proactive approach to sales and customer engagement, where he employs strategic insights to identify opportunities for expansion and improvement. As a results-oriented professional, Cliff Axtell continues to make significant contributions to Proteus Genomics, positioning the company as a leader in molecular diagnostics and enhancing patient outcomes through advanced laboratory services.

Cliff Axtell Work
1 experience icon

Account Manager at Proteus Genomics in February 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Cardiovascular Diabetes Hospital Sales Specialist at Sanofi in January 2017 to January 2018

3 experience icon

Sales Representative at Reliant Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy in January 2015 to January 2017

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Cliff Axtell Education

Mississippi College, Bachelor of Science (BS)

Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Cliff Axtell Skills

Key Account Development

Account Management


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About Cliff Axtell's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Cliff Axtell

What is Cliff Axtell email address?

Email Cliff Axtell at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Cliff Axtell's email found in 2025.

What is Cliff Axtell phone number?

Cliff Axtell phone number is 6016065441.

How to contact Cliff Axtell?

To contact Cliff Axtell send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Cliff Axtell try calling on 6016065441.

What company does Cliff Axtell work for?

Cliff Axtell works for Proteus Genomics

What is Cliff Axtell's role at Proteus Genomics?

Cliff Axtell is Account Manager

What industry does Cliff Axtell work in?

Cliff Axtell works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Cliff Axtell Email Addresses

Email Cliff Axtell at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Cliff Axtell's email found in 2025.

Cliff Axtell Phone Numbers

Cliff Axtell phone number is 6016065441.
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