Chris Alves Email & Phone Number

Chris Alves

Owner at Alves Delivery | Henderson, Nevada, United States

Chris Alves Socials
About Chris Alves

As the Owner of Alves Delivery, Chris Alves has established himself as a pivotal figure in the logistics and delivery industry, particularly within the bustling Las Vegas area. With over a million delivery miles logged, Chris has not only honed his operational expertise but has also developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a successful delivery service in a highly competitive market. His role encompasses the day-to-day operations of the business, where he skillfully manages logistics, oversees a dedicated team, and ensures that every delivery meets the highest standards of efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Chris's extensive experience in shipping and negotiation has allowed Alves Delivery to forge strong partnerships with local businesses, enhancing service offerings and expanding the company’s reach. His strategic approach to new business development has led to innovative marketing strategies that effectively target key demographics, driving growth and increasing brand visibility. With a keen eye for budgeting and project planning, Chris ensures that operational costs are kept in check while maximizing profitability.

Moreover, Chris is passionate about team leadership and coaching, fostering a collaborative environment that empowers his employees to excel. His proficiency in tools like Microsoft Excel enables him to analyze data effectively, streamline processes, and make informed decisions that propel the business forward. Through exceptional time management and a commitment to excellence, Chris Alves continues to elevate Alves Delivery as a trusted name in the logistics sector, setting a benchmark for quality and reliability in every delivery made.

Chris Alves Work
1 experience icon

Owner at Alves Delivery in August 2000 to Present

2 experience icon

Warehouse Mgr at Century in March 1995 to January 1998

Chris Alves Skills

Customer Service



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About Chris Alves's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Chris Alves

What is Chris Alves email address?

Email Chris Alves at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Chris Alves's email found in 2025.

What is Chris Alves phone number?

Chris Alves phone number is 7022781175.

How to contact Chris Alves?

To contact Chris Alves send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Chris Alves try calling on 7022781175.

What company does Chris Alves work for?

Chris Alves works for Alves Delivery

What is Chris Alves's role at Alves Delivery?

Chris Alves is Owner

What industry does Chris Alves work in?

Chris Alves works in the Package/Freight Delivery industry.

Chris Alves Email Addresses

Email Chris Alves at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Chris Alves's email found in 2025.

Chris Alves Phone Numbers

Chris Alves phone number is 7022781175.
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