Chandra Farner Email & Phone Number

Chandra Farner

Human Resource Analyst Supervisor at Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare | Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania, United States

Chandra Farner Socials
About Chandra Farner

Chandra Farner serves as a Human Resource Analyst Supervisor at the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the workforce that supports the department's mission to enhance the well-being of individuals and families across the state. With a keen focus on classification and recruitment, Chandra supervises a dedicated team responsible for accurately classifying jobs within the state’s classification plan, ensuring that over 17,000 headquarters and field staff are aligned with their roles and responsibilities. Her expertise in job classification not only streamlines the hiring process but also enhances employee satisfaction by ensuring that positions are well-defined and appropriately filled.

Chandra's commitment to fostering a collaborative work environment is evident in her approach to recruitment. She actively engages in college recruiting initiatives and oversees the onboarding process, ensuring that new hires are integrated smoothly into the department. Her skills in conducting interviews and facilitating new hire orientations are complemented by her strong background in labor and employee relations, allowing her to effectively address the diverse needs of staff while promoting a culture of inclusivity and support.

In addition to her technical skills, Chandra’s passion for working with people shines through in her leadership style. She believes that empowering others to achieve their best is essential for the organization’s success. By aligning recruitment strategies with the department’s overarching goals, she not only contributes to building a competent workforce but also helps create a positive impact on the communities served by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Through her dedication and expertise, Chandra Farner exemplifies the vital role human resources play in public service.

Chandra Farner Work
1 experience icon

Human Resource Analyst Supervisor at Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare in October 2007 to Present

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Human Resource Analyst 2 at Dept. of Public Welfare in December 1999 to October 2007

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Youth Development Counselor at Dept. of Public Welfare in January 1995 to December 1999

Chandra Farner Education

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Science (BS), Criminal Justice and Corrections, February 1987 to February 1991

Chandra Farner Skills




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About Chandra Farner's Current Company
Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare

Discover more about Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Frequently Asked Questions about Chandra Farner

What company does Chandra Farner work for?

Chandra Farner works for Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare

What is Chandra Farner's role at Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare?

Chandra Farner is Human Resource Analyst Supervisor

What is Chandra Farner's personal email address?

Chandra Farner's personal email address is c****[email protected]

What is Chandra Farner's business email address?

Chandra Farner's business email address is chandra.farner@***.***

What is Chandra Farner's Phone Number?

Chandra Farner's phone (215) ***-*180

What industry does Chandra Farner work in?

Chandra Farner works in the Human Resources industry.

Chandra Farner Email Addresses

Chandra Farner Phone Numbers

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