Catherine Gill Email & Phone Number

Catherine Gill

Business Advisor at Castle Advisory Group LLC | Greater Boston

Catherine Gill Socials
About Catherine Gill

Catherine Woodward Gill is a dynamic Business Advisor at Castle Advisory Group LLC, where she leverages her extensive legal background and strategic acumen to empower professional service firms and non-profit organizations. With a proven track record in commercial litigation and corporate law, Catherine excels at guiding clients through complex legal landscapes while driving initiatives that enhance profitability and market positioning. Her expertise in intellectual property and licensing further enables her to provide nuanced insights that help organizations navigate the intricacies of their respective industries.

At Castle Advisory Group, Catherine is instrumental in developing tailored strategies that not only establish but also expand market presence for her clients. She is passionate about building high-performing teams, fostering a culture of collaboration, and mentoring emerging leaders within the organizations she serves. Her experience in recruiting and leadership development is invaluable, as she identifies and cultivates talent that aligns with her clients' strategic goals.

Catherine’s commitment to sharing her global experience enriches her advisory role, allowing her to offer innovative solutions that are informed by best practices from around the world. Whether through legal writing, in-depth legal research, or business development initiatives, she is dedicated to equipping organizations with the tools they need to thrive in competitive environments. As a versatile Board Director, Catherine’s insights are sought after by organizations looking to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in today’s fast-paced market landscape.

Catherine Gill Work
1 experience icon

Business Advisor at Castle Advisory Group LLC in February 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at Redgrave LLP in January 2024 to Present

3 experience icon

Global Chief Operating Officer at Hausfeld in October 2018 to August 2022

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Catherine Gill Skills


Commercial Litigation


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Frequently Asked Questions about Catherine Gill

What company does Catherine Gill work for?

Catherine Gill works for Castle Advisory Group LLC

What is Catherine Gill's role at Castle Advisory Group LLC?

Catherine Gill is Business Advisor

What is Catherine Gill's personal email address?

Catherine Gill's personal email address is ca****[email protected]

What is Catherine Gill's business email address?

Catherine Gill's business email address is c****[email protected]

What is Catherine Gill's Phone Number?

Catherine Gill's phone (**) *** *** 200

What industry does Catherine Gill work in?

Catherine Gill works in the Law Practice industry.

Catherine Gill Email Addresses

Catherine Gill Phone Numbers

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