Catherine Junker Email & Phone Number

Catherine Junker

CEO Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services at Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services | Uetikon, Zurich, Switzerland

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About Catherine Junker

Catherine Junker, as the CEO of Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services, brings a wealth of expertise and leadership to the translation industry. Under her guidance, iQ Services has established itself as a premier translation agency based in Zurich, offering a diverse range of services in over 30 languages, including English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Catherine's strategic vision has been instrumental in positioning the company as a go-to resource for businesses seeking high-quality translations tailored to their specific needs.

One of her key projects involves the implementation of rigorous selection criteria for translators, ensuring that only native speakers with specialized knowledge in various fields are chosen for each assignment. This commitment to quality not only enhances the accuracy of translations but also builds trust with clients across multiple sectors, from logistics to marketing communications. Catherine's expertise in business strategy and strategic planning has allowed iQ Services to expand its offerings, catering to a wide array of text types and formats, which is crucial in today’s globalized market.

In addition to her operational focus, Catherine is passionate about leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve client experiences. Her proficiency in Microsoft Office and marketing strategy enables her to effectively communicate the value of iQ Services to potential clients, while her entrepreneurial spirit drives continuous innovation within the company. As iQ Services continues to grow, Catherine remains dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration, ensuring that every project reflects the highest standards of professionalism and linguistic accuracy.

Catherine Junker Work
1 experience icon

CEO Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services at Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services in January 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

CEO at Kirchhoff Mobility AG (Haueter) in June 2014 to December 2015

3 experience icon

Produktmanagerin at Kirchhoff Mobility AG (Haueter) in November 2013 to December 2015

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Catherine Junker Education

Universität Genf, Master, January 1986 to January 1990

Collège Madame de Staëhl, Eidgenossische Maturität Typ C, January 1982 to January 1986

Catherine Junker Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Catherine Junker

What is Catherine Junker email address?

Email Catherine Junker at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Catherine Junker's email found in 2025.

What is Catherine Junker phone number?

Catherine Junker phone number is +41 43 542 76 00.

How to contact Catherine Junker?

To contact Catherine Junker send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Catherine Junker try calling on +41 43 542 76 00.

What company does Catherine Junker work for?

Catherine Junker works for Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services

What is Catherine Junker's role at Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services?

Catherine Junker is CEO Übersetzungsbüro iQ Services

What industry does Catherine Junker work in?

Catherine Junker works in the Translation & Localization industry.

Catherine Junker Email Addresses

Email Catherine Junker at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Catherine Junker's email found in 2025.

Catherine Junker Phone Numbers

Catherine Junker phone number is +41 43 542 76 00.
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