Bulent Arslan Email & Phone Number

Bulent Arslan

ML Foundation Team Lead at Gap Inc. | Cupertino, California, United States

Bulent Arslan Socials
About Bulent Arslan

Bulent Arslan serves as the Machine Learning Foundation Team Lead at Gap Inc., where he leverages his extensive background in electrical-electronics engineering and enterprise software development to drive innovation in data science initiatives. With a master's degree in his field and over 16 years of experience running his own software company, Bulent has cultivated a robust skill set that encompasses team leadership, Python programming, SQL, and cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS). His role at Gap Inc. is pivotal as he conducts and manages activities aimed at enhancing the quality of Data Science projects from an MLOps perspective.

Currently, Bulent is spearheading key projects that focus on transitioning the company's existing MLOps structure from Level 1 to Level 2. This involves meticulous monitoring of the required environment, libraries, and settings to ensure a seamless upgrade. His collaboration with Gaptech is crucial in this process, as it facilitates the integration of advanced machine learning practices across the organization. Additionally, Bulent is preparing a comprehensive Machine Learning Foundation Checklist, which will serve as a vital resource for teams looking to standardize their MLOps processes and improve project outcomes.

Bulent’s expertise in data engineering and data science, combined with his hands-on experience in web development and database management, positions him as a key player in Gap Inc.'s mission to harness the power of data. His proficiency in tools like Jupyter Notebook, Hive, and PySpark further enhances his ability to lead teams in developing scalable and efficient machine learning solutions. Through his leadership, Bulent is not only advancing Gap Inc.'s data capabilities but also fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the organization.

Bulent Arslan Work
1 experience icon

ML Foundation Team Lead at Gap Inc. in May 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

Data Scientist at Gap Inc. in August 2019 to May 2023

3 experience icon

Investor & Advisor at various start-ups in April 2008 to January 2021

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Bulent Arslan Education

Istanbul Technical University, Bachelor’s Degree, January 1991 to January 1995

Istanbul Technical University, Bachelor’s Degree, January 1991 to January 1995

Stanford University, Data science, January 2018

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Bulent Arslan Skills


Team Leadership

Machine Learning

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About Bulent Arslan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bulent Arslan

What is Bulent Arslan email address?

Email Bulent Arslan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bulent Arslan's email found in 2025.

How to contact Bulent Arslan?

To contact Bulent Arslan send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Bulent Arslan work for?

Bulent Arslan works for Gap Inc.

What is Bulent Arslan's role at Gap Inc.?

Bulent Arslan is ML Foundation Team Lead

What is Bulent Arslan's Phone Number?

Bulent Arslan's phone (213) ***-*233

What industry does Bulent Arslan work in?

Bulent Arslan works in the Retail industry.

Bulent Arslan Email Addresses

Email Bulent Arslan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bulent Arslan's email found in 2025.

Bulent Arslan Phone Numbers

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