Brandon Jernigan Email & Phone Number

Brandon Jernigan

Design and Innovation Strategist at Target | Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Brandon Jernigan Socials
About Brandon Jernigan

Brandon Jernigan serves as a Design and Innovation Strategist at Target, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of retail through human-centered design and strategic innovation. With a robust background in design thinking and experience design, Brandon is dedicated to developing meaningful solutions that resonate with consumers while driving business growth. His expertise in lean startup methodologies allows him to guide cross-functional teams in identifying and experimenting with new growth opportunities, fostering a culture of innovation that is essential in today’s rapidly evolving market.

In his current role, Brandon oversees and coaches teams to cultivate future-facing growth mindsets and behaviors, ensuring that Target remains at the forefront of industry trends. He collaborates closely with both internal and external stakeholders, leveraging design research and prototyping to test and learn from various strategic focus areas. His ability to lead decision-making processes with senior leadership and chief executives is instrumental in aligning innovative initiatives with corporate strategy.

Brandon’s skill set extends beyond design; he is adept in art direction, brand development, and integrated marketing strategies, making him a versatile asset to the organization. His passion for solving complex problems through rapid experimentation and business model design enables him to create impactful experiences that not only meet consumer needs but also drive sustainable growth for Target. As he continues to explore the intersection of creativity and analytics, Brandon is committed to building a better future through innovative design solutions that enhance the shopping experience and strengthen brand loyalty.

Brandon Jernigan Work
1 experience icon

Design and Innovation Strategist at Target in January 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Embedded Strategic Designer at BCG Digital Ventures in August 2017 to December 2017

3 experience icon

Creative Director at Fidelis Co. in January 2014 to January 2016

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Brandon Jernigan Education

Southern Methodist University, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Finance

University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Brandon Jernigan Skills


Art Direction

Graphic Design

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About Brandon Jernigan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Brandon Jernigan

What is Brandon Jernigan email address?

Email Brandon Jernigan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Brandon Jernigan's email found in 2025.

What is Brandon Jernigan phone number?

Brandon Jernigan phone number is +1.6462262435 and 8137671904.

How to contact Brandon Jernigan?

To contact Brandon Jernigan send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Brandon Jernigan try calling on +1.6462262435 and 8137671904.

What company does Brandon Jernigan work for?

Brandon Jernigan works for Target

What is Brandon Jernigan's role at Target?

Brandon Jernigan is Design and Innovation Strategist

What industry does Brandon Jernigan work in?

Brandon Jernigan works in the Retail industry.

Brandon Jernigan Email Addresses

Email Brandon Jernigan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Brandon Jernigan's email found in 2025.

Brandon Jernigan Phone Numbers

Brandon Jernigan phone number is +1.6462262435 and 8137671904.
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