Bobbie Ward Email & Phone Number

Bobbie Ward

Office & Operations Manager at LBMC Employment Partners | Nashville Metropolitan Area

Bobbie Ward Socials
About Bobbie Ward

Bobbie Ward serves as the Office & Operations Manager at LBMC Employment Partners, where she leverages her extensive expertise in HR, payroll, and benefits systems administration to drive operational excellence. With a keen focus on problem analysis and resolution, Bobbie is instrumental in ensuring seamless integration of various HR technologies, particularly the iSystems Evolution payroll system. Her role extends beyond technical proficiency; she acts as a vital liaison between healthcare providers and clients, ensuring that all inquiries related to benefits and insurance are addressed with compassion and efficiency.

Currently, Bobbie is spearheading key projects aimed at enhancing the employee onboarding experience and optimizing benefits administration processes. Her Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification underscores her commitment to continuous improvement and performance management, allowing her to implement data-driven strategies that elevate service delivery. As a published author and inspirational speaker, Bobbie brings a unique storytelling approach to training sessions, fostering an environment of learning that is both engaging and impactful.

Her brand words—compassionate, encouraging, instinctive, life-affirming, and intentional—reflect her dedication to nurturing a positive workplace culture. Bobbie’s critical thinking skills enable her to navigate complex tax analysis, preparation, and submission processes, ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal guidelines. In a rapidly evolving industry, her ability to adapt and innovate positions her as a valuable asset to LBMC Employment Partners, where she continues to make a meaningful impact on both the organization and its clients.

Bobbie Ward Work
1 experience icon

Office & Operations Manager at LBMC Employment Partners in January 2009 to Present

2 experience icon

Problem Manager at The Affinion Group in October 2002 to October 2008

3 experience icon

Problem Manager / Business Analyst at Progeny Marketing Innovations in January 2002 to January 2008

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Bobbie Ward Education

Cumberland University, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, January 1999 to January 2001

Middle Tennessee State University, Communications, January 1976 to January 1979

Motlow State Community College, Associate's Degree, January 1974 to January 1976

About Bobbie Ward's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bobbie Ward

What is Bobbie Ward email address?

Email Bobbie Ward at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bobbie Ward's email found in 2025.

How to contact Bobbie Ward?

To contact Bobbie Ward send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Bobbie Ward work for?

Bobbie Ward works for LBMC Employment Partners

What is Bobbie Ward's role at LBMC Employment Partners?

Bobbie Ward is Office & Operations Manager

What is Bobbie Ward's Phone Number?

Bobbie Ward's phone (**) *** *** 251

What industry does Bobbie Ward work in?

Bobbie Ward works in the Hospitality industry.

Bobbie Ward Email Addresses

Email Bobbie Ward at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bobbie Ward's email found in 2025.

Bobbie Ward Phone Numbers

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