Bob Watson Email & Phone Number

Bob Watson

Supervisor at Estes Express Lines | Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Bob Watson Socials
About Bob Watson

Bob Watson currently serves as a Supervisor at Estes Express Lines, where he leverages his extensive background in logistics and operations management to optimize inbound operations and ensure accurate dispatch processes. With a proven track record of managing large teams, Bob has successfully overseen operations involving up to 250 personnel, demonstrating his ability to lead and inspire diverse groups in high-pressure environments. His expertise in transportation management and supply chain optimization has been instrumental in streamlining processes and enhancing overall efficiency.

One of Bob's notable achievements includes managing the nationwide installation of HotSpots for T-Mobile at Kinko's and Starbucks, showcasing his skills in project planning and execution. This experience not only honed his logistical acumen but also reinforced his capabilities in telecommunications and brokerage services. At Estes Express Lines, Bob applies his knowledge of purchasing, warehousing, and transportation to drive turn-key operations that meet the dynamic needs of clients.

Bob's proficiency in reverse logistics and process scheduling further enhances his ability to manage complex supply chain challenges. His focus on P&L management ensures that operations remain cost-effective while delivering exceptional service. As the logistics industry continues to evolve, Bob remains committed to leveraging innovative strategies and best practices to navigate the complexities of transportation and logistics, making him a valuable asset to Estes Express Lines and the broader industry.

Bob Watson Work
1 experience icon

Supervisor at Estes Express Lines in May 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Terminal Manager at Central Freight Lines, Inc. in May 2017 to Present

3 experience icon

Operations Supervisor at Central Freight Lines, Inc. in April 2018 to October 2020

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Bob Watson Education

Florida State College at Jacksonville, AA, January 1976 to January 1978

Florida Community College of Jacksonville, Associate of Arts (AA), January 1976 to January 1978

About Bob Watson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bob Watson

What is Bob Watson email address?

Email Bob Watson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bob Watson's email found in 2025.

What is Bob Watson phone number?

Bob Watson phone number is 404-754-7466 and 678-577-6790.

How to contact Bob Watson?

To contact Bob Watson send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Bob Watson try calling on 404-754-7466 and 678-577-6790.

What company does Bob Watson work for?

Bob Watson works for Estes Express Lines

What is Bob Watson's role at Estes Express Lines?

Bob Watson is Supervisor

What industry does Bob Watson work in?

Bob Watson works in the Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.

Bob Watson Email Addresses

Email Bob Watson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bob Watson's email found in 2025.

Bob Watson Phone Numbers

Bob Watson phone number is 404-754-7466 and 678-577-6790.
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