Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Email & Phone Number

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer

Founder, Managing Director at Strongpoint Security LLC | Washington DC-Baltimore Area

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Socials
About Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer

Ben Fisher, MS/MBA, is the Founder and Managing Director of Strongpoint Security LLC, a veteran-owned boutique security firm dedicated to providing specialized Security Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) services. With a wealth of experience in shaping security strategies for global enterprises, Ben has established Strongpoint Security as a trusted partner for organizations that require high-level security expertise without the prohibitive costs associated with Big 4 consulting firms. His innovative approach focuses on leveraging cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities while proactively mitigating risks.

In his current role, Ben has successfully crafted a comprehensive business plan that not only laid the foundation for Strongpoint Security but also facilitated the legal organization of the entity. He has developed a robust customer pipeline, ensuring that the firm effectively meets the needs of small to mid-sized enterprises seeking tailored security solutions. Ben's expertise extends to establishing essential HR services and payroll systems, which are critical for maintaining operational efficiency and compliance.

Key projects under his leadership include the implementation of disaster recovery and business continuity programs that minimize the impact of security incidents. His commitment to training and leadership has fostered a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, enabling Strongpoint Security to adapt to the ever-evolving threat landscape. With a strong background in strategic planning and vendor management, Ben Fisher is not only shaping the future of security for his clients but also setting a new standard for accessible, high-quality security services in the industry.

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Work
1 experience icon

Founder, Managing Director at Strongpoint Security LLC in October 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Executive Advisory Board - Cybersecurity at California State University, Chico in September 2020 to Present

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National Leadership Council at National Small Business Association in October 2021 to Present

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Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Education

Liberty University, Master of Science - MS, January 2018 to January 2020

Liberty University, MBA, January 2005 to January 2007

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, BA, January 1996 to January 2002

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Skills

Selling Skills

Cold Calling


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Frequently Asked Questions about Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer

What is Ben Fisher Ms/mba email address?

Email Ben Fisher Ms/mba at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ben Fisher Ms/mba's email found in 2025.

How to contact Ben Fisher Ms/mba?

To contact Ben Fisher Ms/mba send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer work for?

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer works for Strongpoint Security LLC

What is Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer's role at Strongpoint Security LLC?

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer is Founder, Managing Director

What is Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer's Phone Number?

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer's phone (206) ***-*829

What industry does Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer work in?

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Email Addresses

Ben Fisher MS/MBA - Security Whisperer Phone Numbers

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