Arcille Natividad Email & Phone Number

Arcille Natividad

Recruitment Senior Consultant, Sr. Assistant Vice President - Global Delivery Recruitment at Wells Fargo | Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Arcille Natividad Socials
About Arcille Natividad

Arcille Natividad serves as a Recruitment Senior Consultant and Sr. Assistant Vice President within the Global Talent Acquisition Service & Delivery team at Wells Fargo, a leading diversified financial services company with a robust portfolio of banking, investment, and mortgage products. In her role, Arcille leverages her extensive expertise in human resources and talent management to identify and attract top-tier talent, ensuring that the organization meets its strategic hiring goals. With a proven track record as a "Sourcing Ninja," she excels in utilizing innovative recruitment strategies and advanced sourcing techniques to connect with candidates who are eager to take on new challenges in their careers.

Arcille is deeply involved in key projects aimed at enhancing Wells Fargo’s recruitment processes, focusing on improving candidate experience and streamlining the hiring workflow. Her proficiency in HRIS and recruitment process outsourcing allows her to effectively manage and analyze recruitment metrics, ensuring that the team operates at peak efficiency. Additionally, her skills in employee engagement and benefits negotiation contribute to creating a compelling value proposition for prospective employees, aligning their career aspirations with the organization’s vision of helping customers succeed financially.

As a dedicated professional in the financial services sector, Arcille is passionate about fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. She actively engages with potential candidates, offering insights into career opportunities that align with their skills and ambitions. With her commitment to excellence and a keen understanding of the industry's dynamics, Arcille Natividad is a vital asset to Wells Fargo’s talent acquisition efforts, driving the company’s mission forward while nurturing the next generation of financial services leaders.

Arcille Natividad Work
1 experience icon

Recruitment Senior Consultant, Sr. Assistant Vice President - Global Delivery Recruitment at Wells Fargo in December 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Talent Acquisition Manager at Table Group Inc. in July 2021 to December 2021

3 experience icon

Talent Acquisition Manager at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (Philippines) in July 2021 to December 2021

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Arcille Natividad Skills

Human Resources

Talent Acquisition


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About Arcille Natividad's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Arcille Natividad

What is Arcille Natividad email address?

Email Arcille Natividad at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Arcille Natividad's email found in 2025.

How to contact Arcille Natividad?

To contact Arcille Natividad send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Arcille Natividad work for?

Arcille Natividad works for Wells Fargo

What is Arcille Natividad's role at Wells Fargo?

Arcille Natividad is Recruitment Senior Consultant, Sr. Assistant Vice President - Global Delivery Recruitment

What is Arcille Natividad's Phone Number?

Arcille Natividad's phone (**) *** *** 115

What industry does Arcille Natividad work in?

Arcille Natividad works in the Staffing & Recruiting industry.

Arcille Natividad Email Addresses

Email Arcille Natividad at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Arcille Natividad's email found in 2025.

Arcille Natividad Phone Numbers

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