Anton Slaughter Email & Phone Number

Anton Slaughter

Recruiting Manager, EMEA at DataRobot | London, England, United Kingdom

Anton Slaughter Socials
About Anton Slaughter

As the Recruiting Manager for EMEA at DataRobot, Anton Slaughter plays a pivotal role in shaping the company's talent landscape during a period of rapid growth. With a strong background in both agency and in-house recruitment, Anton leverages his extensive network and expertise to lead the Go-To-Market (GTM) Talent Acquisition team. His focus on sourcing high-performing sales talent, particularly from the MEDDIC community, underscores his commitment to building a robust sales force that drives DataRobot's mission forward.

In his player-coach role, Anton is not only responsible for scaling the EMEA go-to-market teams but also for enhancing the Engineering and Executive Search functions. His strategic approach to recruitment emphasizes the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring that DataRobot attracts a wide array of candidates who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table. By promoting the DataRobot employment proposition, Anton effectively positions the company as an employer of choice in the competitive tech landscape.

Anton’s skill set is diverse, encompassing technical recruiting, full-cycle recruiting, and contract recruitment, which allows him to adapt to the varying needs of the organization. His proficiency in headhunting and cold calling further enhances his ability to identify and engage top-tier talent. With a keen understanding of the intricacies of the tech industry and a passion for fostering high-performing teams, Anton Slaughter is instrumental in driving DataRobot's growth and success in the EMEA region.

Anton Slaughter Work
1 experience icon

Recruiting Manager, EMEA at DataRobot in November 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Recruiter at DataRobot in March 2021 to November 2021

3 experience icon

Recruitment Partner at Fjord Management in March 2020 to March 2021

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Anton Slaughter Skills


Technical Recruiting

Full-cycle Recruiting

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About Anton Slaughter's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Anton Slaughter

What is Anton Slaughter email address?

Email Anton Slaughter at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Anton Slaughter's email found in 2025.

What is Anton Slaughter phone number?

Anton Slaughter phone number is 07779 881 660 and 07513 910 390.

How to contact Anton Slaughter?

To contact Anton Slaughter send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Anton Slaughter try calling on 07779 881 660 and 07513 910 390.

What company does Anton Slaughter work for?

Anton Slaughter works for DataRobot

What is Anton Slaughter's role at DataRobot?

Anton Slaughter is Recruiting Manager, EMEA

What industry does Anton Slaughter work in?

Anton Slaughter works in the Computer Software industry.

Anton Slaughter Email Addresses

Email Anton Slaughter at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Anton Slaughter's email found in 2025.

Anton Slaughter Phone Numbers

Anton Slaughter phone number is 07779 881 660 and 07513 910 390.
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