Annie Bortolot Email & Phone Number

Annie Bortolot

Chief Risk Officer, Business Development Asset Dispositions, North America at GE Capital | New York City Metropolitan Area

Annie Bortolot Socials
About Annie Bortolot

Annie Bortolot is a highly influential Chief Risk Officer at GE Capital, where she plays a pivotal role in steering the risk management strategies for Business Development Asset Dispositions across North America. With a robust background in risk management spanning both the US and European markets, Annie has established herself as a key player in navigating complex financial landscapes. Her expertise encompasses a wide array of financial products, including leveraged, structured, and asset-based lending, as well as leasing and equities of both private and public companies.

In her current role, Annie has successfully led the risk management efforts for significant asset dispositions, achieving remarkable outcomes that have exceeded expectations in terms of timing, valuation, and capital release. Over the past eight months, she has overseen the signing of 12 major deals amounting to approximately $70 billion. Her ability to identify, mitigate, and resolve risks has been instrumental in evaluating bids and buyers, ensuring that each transaction aligns with GE Capital's strategic objectives.

Annie’s proficiency in credit analysis, corporate finance, and creative problem-solving allows her to develop innovative solutions that drive business growth while safeguarding the organization’s interests. Her experience in loan workouts and middle-market transactions further enhances her capability to navigate the complexities of asset dispositions. As a leader in risk management, Annie Bortolot continues to set the standard for excellence at GE Capital, leveraging her extensive knowledge and skills to foster sustainable growth and profitability in an ever-evolving financial environment.

Annie Bortolot Work
1 experience icon

Chief Risk Officer, Business Development Asset Dispositions, North America at GE Capital in April 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Chief Risk Officer, Trailing Organization at GE Capital in April 2016 to Present

3 experience icon

Chief Risk Officer - Lending at GE Captial, Commercial Lending & Leasing, North America in January 2014 to April 2015

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Annie Bortolot Education

Fairfield University, Bachelor’s Degree, January 1983 to January 1986

Central Catholic High School, January 1979 to January 1983

About Annie Bortolot's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Annie Bortolot

What is Annie Bortolot email address?

Email Annie Bortolot at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Annie Bortolot's email found in 2025.

How to contact Annie Bortolot?

To contact Annie Bortolot send an email to [email protected].

What company does Annie Bortolot work for?

Annie Bortolot works for GE Capital

What is Annie Bortolot's role at GE Capital?

Annie Bortolot is Chief Risk Officer, Business Development Asset Dispositions, North America

What is Annie Bortolot's Phone Number?

Annie Bortolot's phone (212) ***-*170

What industry does Annie Bortolot work in?

Annie Bortolot works in the Financial Services industry.

Annie Bortolot Email Addresses

Email Annie Bortolot at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Annie Bortolot's email found in 2025.

Annie Bortolot Phone Numbers

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