Andrea Manning Email & Phone Number

Andrea Manning

Restaurant Owner at Bona Casa | Cumberland, Wisconsin, United States

Andrea Manning Socials
About Andrea Manning

Andrea Manning is a passionate restaurateur and the proud owner of Bona Casa, a cherished Italian restaurant in Cumberland, WI, that has been a staple in the community since its founding by her great-grandparents in 1957. With a deep-rooted commitment to preserving family traditions, Andrea has taken the helm alongside her husband, infusing the restaurant with their unique flair while honoring the authentic recipes from her great-grandmother's cookbook. This dedication to heritage not only enriches the dining experience but also fosters a sense of community, as patrons gather to enjoy classic Italian dishes that evoke nostalgia and warmth.

Under Andrea's leadership, Bona Casa has embarked on several key projects aimed at enhancing the customer experience and expanding its reach. One notable initiative includes the introduction of seasonal menus that showcase locally sourced ingredients, allowing the restaurant to celebrate the flavors of each season while supporting local farmers. Additionally, Andrea has embraced digital marketing strategies, leveraging social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to engage with customers and share the restaurant's story, special events, and mouthwatering dishes.

With a background that spans various creative industries, Andrea brings a wealth of skills to her role, including expertise in design and vendor management. Her proficiency in tools like Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator has allowed her to create visually appealing marketing materials that reflect the restaurant's cozy ambiance and Italian heritage. As Bona Casa continues to thrive, Andrea remains committed to fostering a welcoming environment where the community can come together over delicious food, making every meal a celebration of family, tradition, and love.

Andrea Manning Work
1 experience icon

Restaurant Owner at Bona Casa in July 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Director - Trend, Design & Packaging at The Michaels Companies, Inc. in September 2021 to July 2022

3 experience icon

Director - Trend & Design at The Michaels Companies, Inc. in June 2019 to September 2021

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Andrea Manning Education

Capella University, MBA, General Business with a Marketing Emphasis, February 2025

University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Graphic Design, February 1997 to February 1999

University of Minnesota, Bachelor of Science, Fashion Design, February 1999 to February 2025

Andrea Manning Skills

Vendor Relations



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Frequently Asked Questions about Andrea Manning

What is Andrea Manning email address?

Email Andrea Manning at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Andrea Manning's email found in 2025.

What is Andrea Manning phone number?

Andrea Manning phone number is 6304627221.

How to contact Andrea Manning?

To contact Andrea Manning send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Andrea Manning try calling on 6304627221.

What company does Andrea Manning work for?

Andrea Manning works for Bona Casa

What is Andrea Manning's role at Bona Casa?

Andrea Manning is Restaurant Owner

What industry does Andrea Manning work in?

Andrea Manning works in the Retail industry.

Andrea Manning Email Addresses

Email Andrea Manning at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Andrea Manning's email found in 2025.

Andrea Manning Phone Numbers

Andrea Manning phone number is 6304627221.
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