Alex Uranga Email & Phone Number

Alex Uranga

Realtor at Realty ONE Group | El Paso, Texas, United States

Alex Uranga Socials
About Alex Uranga

Alex Uranga is a dedicated Team Realtor Leader at Realty ONE Group Real Estate, where he leverages his extensive knowledge of the Texas and New Mexico real estate markets to provide exceptional service to his clients. Born in El Paso, TX, and raised in La Union, NM, Alex has a deep understanding of the local communities, which allows him to effectively represent both buyers and sellers in their real estate transactions. His expertise spans a diverse range of areas, including foreclosures, property management, and investment properties, making him a versatile asset for clients looking to navigate the complexities of the real estate landscape.

In his current role, Alex is actively involved in key projects that focus on helping families relocate, securing vacation homes, and managing rental properties. His commitment to customer service is evident in his approach, where he prioritizes building lasting relationships with clients and understanding their unique needs. By utilizing his skills in leadership and consultation, Alex empowers his team to deliver tailored solutions that meet the demands of today’s competitive market.

As a proud father of four, Alex understands the importance of finding the perfect home for families. He is particularly passionate about assisting relocation buyers, ensuring they feel welcomed and informed throughout the process. With a keen eye for detail and a proactive approach, Alex Uranga stands out as a trusted real estate expert, dedicated to making the buying and selling experience as seamless as possible for his clients in both Texas and New Mexico.

Alex Uranga Work
1 experience icon

Realtor at Realty ONE Group in August 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Director at LAS CRUCES ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS INC in April 2024 to Present

3 experience icon

Commissioner Dona Ana County Planning & Zoning at Doña Ana County in April 2024 to Present

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Alex Uranga Education

Gadsden High, high School, January 1990 to January 1993

NMSU, Associate's degree

Gadsden High School, January 1991 to January 1993

Alex Uranga Skills

South Valley New Mexico Expert


Project Management

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About Alex Uranga's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Alex Uranga

What is Alex Uranga email address?

Email Alex Uranga at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alex Uranga's email found in 2024.

What is Alex Uranga phone number?

Alex Uranga phone number is +1.9156332352.

How to contact Alex Uranga?

To contact Alex Uranga send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Alex Uranga try calling on +1.9156332352.

What company does Alex Uranga work for?

Alex Uranga works for Realty ONE Group

What is Alex Uranga's role at Realty ONE Group?

Alex Uranga is Realtor

What industry does Alex Uranga work in?

Alex Uranga works in the Real Estate industry.

Alex Uranga Email Addresses

Email Alex Uranga at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alex Uranga's email found in 2024.

Alex Uranga Phone Numbers

Alex Uranga phone number is +1.9156332352.
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