Alberto Andolina Email & Phone Number

Alberto Andolina

Vice President Customer Marketing & Intl Transformation, Diabetes at Medtronic | Tolochenaz, Vaud, Switzerland

Alberto Andolina Socials
About Alberto Andolina

Alberto Andolina serves as the Vice President of Customer Marketing and International Transformation for Medtronic's Diabetes division, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of diabetes care across the EMEA, APAC, and Greater China regions. With a strong background in market development and sales operations, Alberto is dedicated to driving strategic change that enhances healthcare delivery. His leadership is characterized by a commitment to making diabetes management more effective, cost-efficient, and accessible for patients and healthcare providers alike.

In his current role, Alberto oversees customer marketing initiatives and business strategy, ensuring that Medtronic's innovative diabetes solutions meet the evolving needs of the market. He is at the forefront of key projects that leverage advanced technologies and data analytics to improve patient outcomes and streamline operations. His expertise in market planning and pricing strategies enables him to identify growth opportunities and implement transformative solutions that resonate with diverse healthcare systems.

Alberto's passion for coaching and mentoring teams fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation within Medtronic. He believes that empowering individuals is essential for driving successful transformation initiatives. His extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry and interventional cardiology further enriches his perspective, allowing him to navigate complex market dynamics effectively. As a transformation leader, Alberto is not only focused on achieving business objectives but also on creating sustainable healthcare solutions that positively impact lives across the globe.

Alberto Andolina Work
1 experience icon

Vice President Customer Marketing & Intl Transformation, Diabetes at Medtronic in May 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Sr Director Marketing & Strategy, Diabetes EMEA at Medtronic in May 2018 to April 2022

3 experience icon

Diabetes Regional Business Director at Medtronic in May 2015 to April 2018

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Alberto Andolina Education

IMD Business School, MBA, January 2006

ELIS, Master PostGraduate, January 2001

Università degli Studi di Palermo, MSc, January 1995 to January 2000

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Alberto Andolina Skills

Medical Devices

Product Management

Project Management

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About Alberto Andolina's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Alberto Andolina

What is Alberto Andolina email address?

Email Alberto Andolina at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alberto Andolina's email found in 2025.

How to contact Alberto Andolina?

To contact Alberto Andolina send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Alberto Andolina work for?

Alberto Andolina works for Medtronic

What is Alberto Andolina's role at Medtronic?

Alberto Andolina is Vice President Customer Marketing & Intl Transformation, Diabetes

What is Alberto Andolina's Phone Number?

Alberto Andolina's phone (**) *** *** 301

What industry does Alberto Andolina work in?

Alberto Andolina works in the Medical Device industry.

Alberto Andolina Email Addresses

Email Alberto Andolina at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alberto Andolina's email found in 2025.

Alberto Andolina Phone Numbers

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