Aisha Shaikh Email & Phone Number

Aisha Shaikh

Science Teacher at Burlington High School | Essex Junction, Vermont, United States

Aisha Shaikh Socials
About Aisha Shaikh

Aisha Shaikh is a dedicated and innovative Science Teacher at Burlington High School, where she specializes in teaching Biology and Chemistry to diverse, mixed-ability classrooms. With a strong foundation in scientific concepts and a passion for education, Aisha has effectively engaged students by employing creative lesson planning and collaborative teaching strategies. Her expertise in working with English Language Learners has allowed her to create an inclusive learning environment that fosters curiosity and critical thinking among her students.

At Burlington High School, Aisha has spearheaded several key projects aimed at enhancing student engagement and understanding of complex scientific principles. One notable initiative involved the integration of e-learning tools into her curriculum, which not only enriched the learning experience but also catered to various learning styles. By utilizing interactive PowerPoint presentations and online resources, she has successfully made challenging topics more accessible and enjoyable for her students.

Aisha's commitment to professional development is evident in her continuous pursuit of innovative teaching methods and curriculum design. She actively collaborates with colleagues to share best practices and develop interdisciplinary projects that encourage teamwork and analytical skills among students. Her ability to adapt to the evolving educational landscape, combined with her strong background in science, positions her as a valuable asset to the Burlington High School community. Aisha finds immense satisfaction in witnessing her students grow academically and personally, and she remains dedicated to inspiring the next generation of scientists and critical thinkers.

Aisha Shaikh Work
1 experience icon

Science Teacher at Burlington High School in August 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

ELL Teacher at Burlington High School in September 2013 to December 2013

3 experience icon

Science Teacher at Spaulding High School in August 2001 to June 2011

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Aisha Shaikh Education

University of Missouri-Saint Louis, Master's degree, Biology, General

University of Vermont, Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology

Aisha Shaikh Skills




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About Aisha Shaikh's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Aisha Shaikh

What is Aisha Shaikh email address?

Email Aisha Shaikh at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Aisha Shaikh's email found in 2024.

What is Aisha Shaikh phone number?

Aisha Shaikh phone number is 8028703709.

How to contact Aisha Shaikh?

To contact Aisha Shaikh send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Aisha Shaikh try calling on 8028703709.

What company does Aisha Shaikh work for?

Aisha Shaikh works for Burlington High School

What is Aisha Shaikh's role at Burlington High School?

Aisha Shaikh is Science Teacher

Aisha Shaikh Email Addresses

Email Aisha Shaikh at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Aisha Shaikh's email found in 2024.

Aisha Shaikh Phone Numbers

Aisha Shaikh phone number is 8028703709.
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