Aaron Korsen Email & Phone Number

Aaron Korsen

Sr. Vice President of Sales at Mitek Systems | Orange County, California, United States

Aaron Korsen Socials
About Aaron Korsen

As the Senior Vice President of Sales at Mitek Systems, Aaron Korsen is at the forefront of driving transformative growth and innovation in the realm of digital identity verification and fraud prevention. With a robust background in SaaS and cloud computing, Aaron leverages his expertise to craft value-based go-to-market strategies that resonate with complex manufacturers across various sectors, including industrial equipment, electronics, and automotive. His leadership is characterized by the implementation of disciplined sales processes and metrics that enhance consistency and predictability, allowing Mitek to scale effectively in a competitive landscape.

Aaron is recognized for his ability to build and lead high-performing teams composed of industry experts who are not only knowledgeable but also passionate about delivering exceptional customer experiences. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration, he empowers his teams to adopt high-impact sales methodologies and presentation tactics that drive incremental revenue and deepen customer loyalty. Key projects under his guidance have included the development of innovative sales frameworks that integrate advanced business intelligence tools and CRM systems, ensuring that Mitek remains agile and responsive to market demands.

With a keen focus on new business development, Aaron is dedicated to positioning Mitek Systems as a leader in supply chain sustainability management solutions. His strategic vision aligns with the company's mission to provide comprehensive SaaS technology platforms complemented by managed services, ensuring that clients are equipped to navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and sustainability challenges. Through his transformative leadership, Aaron Korsen continues to set new benchmarks for success in the sales domain, driving Mitek Systems toward a future of sustained growth and industry leadership.

Aaron Korsen Work
1 experience icon

Sr. Vice President of Sales at Mitek Systems in February 2020 to Present

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Vice President of Sales at NetSuite in January 2017 to January 2020

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Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales at Kenandy in January 2016 to January 2017

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Aaron Korsen Education

San Diego State University-California State University, Bachelor's Degree, January 1989 to January 1993

About Aaron Korsen's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Aaron Korsen

What is Aaron Korsen email address?

Email Aaron Korsen at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Aaron Korsen's email found in 2025.

How to contact Aaron Korsen?

To contact Aaron Korsen send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Aaron Korsen work for?

Aaron Korsen works for Mitek Systems

What is Aaron Korsen's role at Mitek Systems?

Aaron Korsen is Sr. Vice President of Sales

What is Aaron Korsen's Phone Number?

Aaron Korsen's phone (213) ***-*351

What industry does Aaron Korsen work in?

Aaron Korsen works in the Computer Software industry.

Aaron Korsen Email Addresses

Email Aaron Korsen at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Aaron Korsen's email found in 2025.

Aaron Korsen Phone Numbers

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